Tesis Cohorte 2021

Nombre del estudiante Título de la tesis Directores Codirectores Estado
BYRON RODRIGO POMA TENE Analysis of the topographic influence on the rainfall patterns in a Tropical Andean basin by using radar data Aldemar Carabajo Heidi Asbjornsen Finalizada
CINDY CAROLINA URGILES AVILA Gross Primary Productivity estimation through remote sensing and machine learning techniques in the high Andean Region of Ecuador Galo Carrillo Johanna Orellana Finalizada / Publicada
CRISTHIAN MAURICIO LAPO ALCIVAR Volcanic impacts on the hydrology of a small catchment of the active Rincon de la Vieja volcano in Costa Rica Christian Birkel Patricio Crespo En ejecución
CRISTINA GABRIELA CONDOR SIMBAÑA Effect of sample frequency in a Paramo catchment interpretation using tracer aided models Juan Pesántez Patricio Crespo En ejecución
FABIAN LEONARDO QUICHIMBO MIGUITAMA Hydrogeomorphology influence on pan-tropical transit times Christian Birkel Patricio Crespo Finalizada
FELIX RIGOBERTO GUERRERO CORONEL Analysis of the topographic influence on the rainfall patterns in a Tropical Andean basin by using radar data Patricio Crespo Rolando Célleri Alvear En ejecución
GLORIA VERÓNICA GUAMÁN CHALCO Spatio-temporal patterns of water metal concentrations in the high Andean Tropical rivers of southern Ecuador Patricio Crespo Juan Patricio Pesántez En ejecución
JULIO JOAQUIN ALVAREZ ESTRELLA Enhancing forecasts of peak runoff events. Application of a feature engineering approach using X-Band radar data Paúl Muñoz Rolando Célleri Alvear Finalizada/ Publicada
LUIS FELIPE SILVA PALMAY Diurnal to Seasonal Meteorological Cycles in an Equatorial Andean Gradient Mario Córdova Rolando Célleri Alvear Finalizada
MARIA JOSE MERIZALDE MORA Development of specialized LSTM runoff forecasting models based on GIS and the SCS–CN method in a complex mountain basin Rolando Célleri Paúl Muñoz Finalizada/ Publicada
MARTIN PATRICIO MONTENEGRO AMBROSI Rainfall forecasting using diverse predictors based on random forest over an andena basin Mario Córdova Johanna Orellana y Rolando Célleri Finalizada
MIGUEL ANDRES SUAREZ MONTENEGRO Analysis of drop size distribution and rain characteristics of extreme events at different locations in the Tropical Andes Johanna Orellana Gabriela Urgilés Finalizada
MISHEL ANDREA PALACIOS ORTIZ Farmers’ perception and strategies for their adaptation to climatic variability in high Andean Rolando Célleri Adrián Sucozhañay Finalizada
OSCAR FABIAN VINTIMILLA YANZA Nutrient cycling under different land cover in a mountain region in southern Ecuador Pablo Quichimbo Pablo Borja En ejecución
ROCIO ESPERANZA SALINAS ORREGO Influencia de la especialidad del experto en el análisis multicriterio para la identificación y priorización de Áreas para la Conservación y Restauración del Suelo Pablo Quichimbo Adrián Sucozhañay En ejecución