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Paola Fernanda Montenegro-Díaz Phone: +593 (0) 99-273-5376 |
I am interested in understanding the ecological and meteorological processes that control the Andean mountain ecosystems. My research focuses on: (i) quantifying the impact of land-use change on energy and water fluxes, (ii) describing and estimating the solar radiation through empirical methods, (iii) assessing the radiation use efficiency and biomass production, and (iv) analyzing the ecosystems’ resilience to land-use change.
Research Interests:
- Biometeorology
- Ecohydrology
January 2020 – present. Research assistant in the project “Desarrollo de Ecuaciones para la estimación de Evapotranspiración en el Páramo Andino, para condiciones de información hidrometeorológica limitada”.
September 2014 – August 2017. Intern and research assistant in the project “Meteorological cycles and evapotranspiration along an elevational gradient in the Cajas National Park.”.
Montenegro-Díaz, P., Ochoa-Sánchez, A., Célleri, R., 2019. Impact of tussock grasses removal on soil water content dynamics of a tropical mountain hillslope. Ecohydrology 12, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2146
More details are in my CV